123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222 |
- # This configuration was generated by
- # `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
- # on 2018-12-24 11:44:14 +0100 using RuboCop version 0.60.0.
- # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
- # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
- # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
- # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again.
- AllCops:
- Exclude:
- - 'db/schema.rb'
- - 'bin/update'
- - 'bin/setup'
- # Offense count: 30
- Metrics/AbcSize:
- Max: 71
- # Offense count: 6
- # Configuration parameters: CountComments, ExcludedMethods.
- # ExcludedMethods: refine
- Metrics/BlockLength:
- Max: 119
- # Offense count: 6
- # Configuration parameters: CountComments.
- Metrics/ClassLength:
- Max: 254
- # Offense count: 5
- Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity:
- Max: 12
- # Offense count: 35
- # Configuration parameters: CountComments, ExcludedMethods.
- Metrics/MethodLength:
- Max: 50
- # Offense count: 1
- # Configuration parameters: CountComments.
- Metrics/ModuleLength:
- Max: 105
- # Offense count: 3
- Metrics/PerceivedComplexity:
- Max: 13
- # Offense count: 1
- Naming/AccessorMethodName:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/helpers/authentication_helper.rb'
- # Offense count: 5
- # Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, NamePrefixBlacklist, NameWhitelist, MethodDefinitionMacros.
- # NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_
- # NamePrefixBlacklist: is_, has_, have_
- # NameWhitelist: is_a?
- # MethodDefinitionMacros: define_method, define_singleton_method
- Naming/PredicateName:
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/**/*'
- - 'app/helpers/authentication_helper.rb'
- - 'app/models/activity.rb'
- - 'app/models/group.rb'
- # Offense count: 9
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, ProceduralMethods, FunctionalMethods, IgnoredMethods.
- # SupportedStyles: line_count_based, semantic, braces_for_chaining
- # ProceduralMethods: benchmark, bm, bmbm, create, each_with_object, measure, new, realtime, tap, with_object
- # FunctionalMethods: let, let!, subject, watch
- # IgnoredMethods: lambda, proc, it
- Style/BlockDelimiters:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/controllers/activities_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/groups_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/members_controller.rb'
- # Offense count: 3
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
- # SupportedStyles: braces, no_braces, context_dependent
- Style/BracesAroundHashParameters:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/models/activity.rb'
- - 'app/models/person.rb'
- - 'config/environments/production.rb'
- # Offense count: 13
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: AutoCorrect, EnforcedStyle.
- # SupportedStyles: nested, compact
- Style/ClassAndModuleChildren:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/controllers/api/activities_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/groups_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/me_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/people_controller.rb'
- - 'app/helpers/api/activities_helper.rb'
- - 'app/helpers/api/groups_helper.rb'
- - 'app/helpers/api/me_helper.rb'
- - 'app/helpers/api/people_helper.rb'
- - 'test/controllers/api/activities_controller_test.rb'
- - 'test/controllers/api/groups_controller_test.rb'
- - 'test/controllers/api/me_controller_test.rb'
- - 'test/controllers/api/people_controller_test.rb'
- - 'test/test_helper.rb'
- # Offense count: 2
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Style/ClassMethods:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/models/session.rb'
- # Offense count: 4
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Style/ColonMethodCall:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/controllers/authentication_controller.rb'
- - 'app/models/token.rb'
- # Offense count: 9
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SingleLineConditionsOnly, IncludeTernaryExpressions.
- # SupportedStyles: assign_to_condition, assign_inside_condition
- Style/ConditionalAssignment:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/controllers/activities_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/api/activities_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/groups_controller.rb'
- - 'app/mailers/participant_mailer.rb'
- - 'db/seeds.rb'
- # Offense count: 8
- # Configuration parameters: AllowCoercion.
- Style/DateTime:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/controllers/api/groups_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/authentication_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/dashboard_controller.rb'
- - 'app/helpers/authentication_helper.rb'
- - 'app/models/group.rb'
- - 'db/seeds.rb'
- # Offense count: 55
- Style/Documentation:
- Enabled: false
- # Offense count: 140
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
- # SupportedStyles: when_needed, always, never
- Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment:
- Enabled: false
- # Offense count: 1
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, UseHashRocketsWithSymbolValues, PreferHashRocketsForNonAlnumEndingSymbols.
- # SupportedStyles: ruby19, hash_rockets, no_mixed_keys, ruby19_no_mixed_keys
- Style/HashSyntax:
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/tasks/sessions.rake'
- # Offense count: 1
- Style/MultilineTernaryOperator:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/models/session.rb'
- # Offense count: 1
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: Strict.
- Style/NumericLiterals:
- MinDigits: 15
- # Offense count: 1
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: PreferredDelimiters.
- Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters:
- Exclude:
- - 'config/spring.rb'
- # Offense count: 85
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Style/RedundantSelf:
- Exclude:
- - 'app/models/activity.rb'
- - 'app/models/group.rb'
- - 'app/models/member.rb'
- - 'app/models/participant.rb'
- - 'app/models/person.rb'
- - 'app/models/subgroup.rb'
- - 'app/models/token.rb'
- - 'app/models/user.rb'
- # Offense count: 215
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, ConsistentQuotesInMultiline.
- # SupportedStyles: single_quotes, double_quotes
- Style/StringLiterals:
- Enabled: false
- # Offense count: 18
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: MinSize.
- # SupportedStyles: percent, brackets
- Style/SymbolArray:
- EnforcedStyle: brackets
- # Offense count: 3
- # Cop supports --auto-correct.
- # Configuration parameters: WordRegex.
- # SupportedStyles: percent, brackets
- Style/WordArray:
- EnforcedStyle: percent
- MinSize: 3
- # Offense count: 142
- # Configuration parameters: AllowHeredoc, AllowURI, URISchemes, IgnoreCopDirectives, IgnoredPatterns.
- # URISchemes: http, https
- Metrics/LineLength:
- Max: 200