# ['production', 'development'] RAILS_ENV= # ['en', 'nl'] AARDBEI_LOCALE= # Used in link construction, like 'localhost:3000', 'aardbei.maartenberg.nl' AARDBEI_HOSTNAME= # Set '1' if RAILS_ENV is production, but you're not running a real webserver. RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES= # Full path to the cloned directory. (Run `pwd` if unsure) AARDBEI_PATH= # Generate using `rails secret` SECRET_KEY_BASE= # Database credentials if in production DB_NAME= DB_USER= DB_PASS= # Parameters for sending mail MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS= # ['smtp', 'sendmail', 'mailgun'] MAIL_METHOD= SMTP_SERVER= SMTP_USER= SMTP_PASS= MAILGUN_DOMAIN= MAILGUN_API_KEY= # Do we bind to a socket or port? PUMA_BIND= # Set to enable Sentry reporting SENTRY_DSN=